Privacy Policy

UNOWRIDE aims to elevate society by fostering efficient and economical transportation connections between drivers and riders. This privacy policy informs you what information UNOWRIDE gathers from our users and how that information is used to create these transportation connections and better our services. The following document will also explain how our community of riders and drivers can connect via our website and platform.


UNOWRIDE and its affiliates (“UNOWRIDE,” “UNOWRIDE ,” “UNOWRIDE Rides,” “we,” “our,” and/or “us”) take great care in valuing and protecting the privacy of those who decide to use our application, website(s), and services (collectively, the “UNOWRIDE Platform,” “UNOWRIDE Services,” “our Services,” and/or “our Platform”). The language within this privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”) demonstrates how we will gather, utilize, and disseminate information that is willfully provided by UNOWRIDE prospective or actual users (“Users”), which are made up of both UNOWRIDE riders (“Riders”) and UNOWRIDE drivers (including those considering or in the process of applying) (“Drivers”). By accessing our Platform in any way, you acknowledge and agree to this Privacy Policy, and also agree to comply with out Platform Terms of Use, and Terms of Service, which can be accessed and reviewed at

If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not use the UNOWRIDE Services. Is you use any UNOWRIDE Service, you agree to this Privacy Policy.

Your Privacy Rights/ California’s Shine the Light Law.

Pursuant to Section 1798.83 of the California Civil Code, residents of California have the right to request from a business, with whom the California resident has an established business relationship, certain information with respect to the types of personal information the business shares with third parties for direct marketing purposes by such third party and the identities of the third parties with whom the business has shared such information during the immediately preceding calendar year.

To request a copy of the information disclosure provided by MO4PAWS pursuant to Section 1798.83 of the California Civil Code, please contact UNOWRIDE at 928-451-6799 or [email protected]


  1. Information You Provide to Us

Registration Information: Signing up for a UNOWRIDE account requires official registration. This registration process asks for your name, email address, and phone number. By registering with UNOWRIDE, you are willfully providing this information to us. If you use a Facebook account to register, you are also agreeing to allow us to gather this information along with your basic profile information which includes but is not limited to your name, gender, profile photo, and Facebook friends.

User Profile Information: When you choose to register as a UNOWRIDE community member, you are asked to create a UNOWRIDE Profile (“Profile”) which prompts you to share interesting facts about yourself, and enables you to find other users that you might know or who share similar interests. The information that you manually provide regarding your UNOWRIDE profile is optional and you can choose to share any amount that you’d like to. You cannot create a profile without having a permanent name (and a profile photo for our drivers). It is possible to create a Business Profile, although this requires that you enter a business email address and a form of payment associated with a company. You can read more about your options for controlling your Profile visibility here.

Payment Methods: We utilize third-party payment processors to process your payment information. When you add credit card information or other payment methods to your UNOWRIDE account, you are agreeing to our use of these third-party processors and are acknowledging that they will temporarily have access to your information. We will never store these payment methods on our servers in a permanent manner in order to ensure the security of your private data.

Communications: Choosing to contact us directly will result in additional information being received about you via your chosen communication platform. If you decide to contact us in regard to issues or questions about our platform via phone or email, we will likely ask to collect more if your information in order to better assess your situation. This could include your name, email address, phone number, and the contents of your communication with us.

Driver Application Information: When you choose to register as a part of the UNOWRIDE Driver Community, we will ask for more information than is required of a basic profile. This information will include but is not limited to your date of birth, Social Security Number (SSN), driver’s license information, vehicle information (including VIN and registration information), car insurance information, and depending on your profile type, we might also ask for a business license or permitting information. The information that you provide during your driver application will be shared with our partners in order to run background checks and ensure your eligibility to drive with UNOWRIDE. This is meant to protect the integrity and safety of the UNOWRIDE community as a whole.

Payment Information: Driver’s information regarding bank account numbers, routing numbers, tax I.D.’s, and other forms of information concerning payments will be kept on file in order to ensure our Drivers get paid in a timely and efficient manner.

B. Information We Collect When You Use the UNOWRIDE Platform

Location Information: The UNOWRIDE Platform is designed to connect Drivers and Riders in an innovative and exciting way. This requires that we know our user’s locations). Each time you use the UNOWRIDE app, we automatically gather your location information. The precise location of your device will also be shared with us whenever the UNOWRIDE app is running, whether in the background or foreground. Any time you decide to label specific locations using your app or your mobile device’s map applications, we will also gather and store that information. This is meant to create a smoother user experience for you. This information may include your “Home,” “Work,” or other types of manually labeled destinations.

The following reasons are why we require the gathering and storage of your location information: 1. To connect Riders with nearby Drives. 2. To identify specific drop off and pick up locations positions. 3. To suggest destinations to our users that will be dependent on their past destinations. Your location information will also be shared with our Trust & Safety team in any instances where this information will be required or suggested to help yours, other users, and/or our Drivers safety and security as well as non-UNOWRIDE users (aka members of the general public). Drivers’ location information, as well as the distance and time that they’ve been traveling, will be gathered in order to calculate the fares and insurance data for each UNOWRIDE ride. We will ask for permission through your mobile device’s settings or the UNOWRIDE app to gather your position information even when the application is not running in order to provide promotional or service-based updates within the region that you’re operating in.

Device Information: Users of the UNOWRIDE app are willing providing information about their devices, which include but are not limited to your IP address, the type of web browser that you use, the OS (operating system) that you’re using, your phone carrier type and manufacturer information, any related application installations, any device identifiers, device notification information, and, if applicable, your Facebook identifier. We also gather additional information from Drivers’ devices which involve your device’s internal sensors. This includes information about your direction, height, acceleration and deceleration, and speed). This information is collected in order to optimize the UNOWRIDE app’s location accuracy and usage analysis.

Usage Information: As a UNOWRIDE user, your interactions with the UNOWRIDE Platform are automatically shared with us. This includes your actions within the app, your location when you use the app, and the date and times that you open and engage with the UNOWRIDE Platform as a whole. This information is collected in order to help us optimize your user experience and the experience of the entire UNOWRIDE community.

Call and Text Information: All phone calls and text messages that occur between Drivers and Riders will be operated or managed by a third partner to UNOWRIDE. When Drivers and Riders connect via the UNOWRIDE app, they understand that the information regarding their communication will be collected and recorded. This information includes the phone numbers of both parties involved, the content of the SMS messages sent, and the date and time of the communication. Phone calls that occur within the UNOWRIDE app may also be recorded for quality assurance and security reasons.

Platform communication information, including that between Riders and Drivers: Prior to any recording of your calls, we will notify you and you will automatically accept to this recording and/or monitoring by proceeding with the call.

User Feedback. Our goal is to strengthen the bonds within the UNOWRIDE community and ensure that all Users are enjoying the smoothest rides possible. That’s why we enable in-app ratings and reviews for Riders and Drivers to communicate their experiences at the end of each ride. We gather this information and provide it to both Riders and Drivers within the app, as explained in more detail below.

Address Book Contacts: We may ask for permission to access your address book on your mobile device(s). If you accept this request, we will be able to view and retain the data regarding the names and other contact information associated with your address book. The purpose of this information gathering is to make the user experience involving invitations or social interactions within our Platform to run as smoothly as possible. This information may be used for other purposes which will be further detailed in this document or at another time visible to you during your use of the Platform.

Information from Cookies and Similar Technologies: UNOWRIDE uses information gathering technologies such as “cookies”, tracking pixels, and other means for the following reasons: 1. To better comprehend your usage of the UNOWRIDE Platform and our various forms of advertisement. 2. To discover which elements of our content is the most popular or beneficial to our users. 3. To store your preferences for UNOWRIDE utilization. When we write “cookies”, we’re referring to the small text-based files that are placed on your device by the web servers that you use. These files are created in an effort to gather small amounts of information and to ensure that the sites or apps that you use can easily recognize your computer’s browser. Generally speaking, there are two types of cookies: session and persistent. The former will be automatically erased as soon as you quite out of your browser. The latter will remain on your computer after you close your browser and we may access them to gather information each time you utilize the UNOWRIDE Platform. You have the ability to modify your “cookie settings” from within your web browser. It should be noted that the deletion or non-acceptance of cookies will render your usage of the UNOWRIDE Platform less robust.

  1. Information We Collect from 3rd Parties

Third Party Services. If you choose to register for UNOWRIDE or otherwise link your UNOWRIDE account with a third party’s service (such as Facebook), we may receive the same type of information we collect from you (described above) directly from those services.

Third Party Services: Registering with UNOWRIDE from third-party services like Facebook will enable us to retrieve similar information (described above) about you and your usage of our platform from those services.

Third Party Partners. We may receive additional information about you, such as demographic data, payment information, or fraud detection information, from third party partners and combine it with other information that we have about you.

Third Party Partners: UNOWRIDE may have third-party partners that may provide more information about you, including but not limited your demographic data, payment information, and/or fraud detection information. The gathering and sharing of this information will be permitted by you via these third-party partners.

Enterprise Programs: UNOWRIDE for Work is one of our enterprise programs in which you may connect with our Platform via your company, university, and/or various organization. We may receive additional information from whichever of these organizations that you are affiliated with. We may also share information regarding your name, phone number, and pickup and drop off locations with your participating organizations in order for them to request a ride on your behalf.

Background Information on Drivers: Criminal background checks and driving records for Drivers may be provided to us by our third-party partners. Any publicly available information about driving records or criminal history will also be made available to us.


The information that we gather and store regarding our Users is utilized in the following ways:

  • Making connections between Riders and Drivers;
  • Providing the UNOWRIDE Platform to users while improving, expanding, and promoting our Services;
  • Analyzing the general usage of the UNOWRIDE Platform by the UNOWRIDE community;
  • Direct or indirect (via partners) communication between us and our users for both marketing and promotional reasons;
  • Creating a personalized experience for our users and their contacts;
  • Sending notifications through mobile device via push features or text messages;
  • Enabling payments and other transactions to efficiently take place;
  • Supporting our users as customers and members of the UNOWRIDE community;
  • Discovering and disabling fraudulent activity within our Platform; and
  • Ensuring the safety of our users and trust between our team and each user by responding to any issues regarding auto incidents, disputes between users, and any requests made by official government authorities or affiliates.

We may also use the information that we gather and store from Drivers for the following reasons:

  • To send updates or information regarding a Driver applicants’ status during their application process via email, text message, or from within the UNOWRIDE app;
  • To make decisions involving the eligibility of a Driver applicant;
  • To send notifications or updates regarding the requests for rides, changes or additions to our pricing and service policies; and
  • To provide UNOWRIDE’s auto insurance policy to Drivers by analyzing patterns of use for various safety and insurance reasons.


Email Subscriptions: All users of the UNOWRIDE Platform have the option of opting-out or unsubscribing from our commercial or promotional emails, however we will be required to send you any emails regarding your transactions or relations tied to the usage of your account.

Text Messages: Simply text the word STOP from whichever mobile device is receiving promotional or commercial content from us and you will be immediately opted-out. Additionally, you can decide to opt-out of receiving all SMS content from UNOWRIDE (including important information regarding your account usage) by texting the word STOPALL from whichever mobile device is receiving these messages. It should be noted that opting-out of our text message notifications will limit the experience of your usage of the UNOWRIDE Platform. Drivers have the option of opting out of specifically receiving driving-related text message by replying STOP to a driver SMS. You can opt-in to receiving any of these messages again by texting START in reply to the SMS confirmation regarding your initial unsubscribe process.

Push Notifications: You can use your device settings to disable push notifications from the UNOWRIDE Platform. This may impact your user experience while utilizing the UNOWRIDE Platform and will disable important notifications like the arrival of your ride.

Profile Information: Any and all information that you manually add to your UNOWRIDE Profile can be deleted by you at any time. However, your name will always be made available Drivers and other users of UNOWRIDE Line Rides. Driver information including names, ratings, profile pictures, and vehicle information must always be made available to Riders.

Location Information: The sharing of your location information is vital to the effectiveness and efficiency of your UNOWRIDE experience. You have the option to prevent your device from sharing your location via your device’s settings, however this will render your usage of our Platform entirely ineffective.

Facebook Friends. You can opt-out of sharing the information regarding your Facebook mutual friends via your profile settings within your Facebook account.

Editing and Accessing Your Information: Certain elements of your account information can be viewed, altered, or deleted by you at any given time by logging into your profile (or Driver portal for Driver information). Termination of your UNOWRIDE Account can be achieved by submitting a request via the Help Center. We can deactivate your account but may retain certain information in a manner that is consistent with the terms written within this document for those accounts which are not entirely closed. Additionally, we may store information from your account in order to resolve disputes, collect any fees that have yet to be settled, for general troubleshooting purposes, to analyze the utilization of our Platform, to help with any ongoing investigations, for fraud prevention, to enforce our Terms of Services, and/or to take legally-permitted or permitted actions against you or on your behalf.


Data Security: UNOWRIDE aims to protect and secure all data surrounding the UNOWRIDE community. Despite our precautions to protect and secure this data, it is impossible to guarantee 100% security.

Children’s Privacy: UNOWRIDE does not wish to collect any information from any persons under 13 years old. If you are under 13 years old, you may not use our Platform. The UNOWRIDE Platform is not intended for use by children under 13. We do not direct our platform toward children. If found, any information regarding children under the age of 13 years old will be deleted. Please contact our Help Center if you find that you or anyone you know has provided us with the information of children under the age of 13.

Reviewing and Updating Your Information

If you register for an account on our Platform, you may review and update your account information by logging in to your account with your username and password at, as well as through additional links throughout the Platform.

Third Party Websites

The Platform may contain links to other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of these other websites. You will need to check the policy statement of these others websites to understand their policies. When you access a linked site you may be disclosing private information. It is your responsibility to keep such information private and confidential.


When you view our Platform, we may store some information on your computer’s hard drive. This information will be in the form of a “Cookie.” Most web browsers automatically accept Cookies, but you can change your browser to prevent that. Without accepting a Cookie, your use of the UNOWRIDE Services may be affected.

Google Analytics

We may use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”), in connection with the Services.   Google Analytics uses cookies or other tracking technologies to provide information on how users interact with and use the UNOWRIDE Services. Google Analytics will collect information related to you and your use of the UNOWRIDE Services, and the information generated by Google Analytics will be transmitted to and stored by Google and will be subject to Google’s privacy policies. To learn more about Google’s partner services and to learn how to opt out of tracking of analytics by Google click here.


Please note that data that is transported over an open network, such as the Internet or e-mail, may be accessible to anybody. We cannot guarantee the confidentiality of any communication or material transmitted via such open networks. When disclosing any personal information via an open network, you should remain mindful of the fact that it is potentially accessible to others, and consequently, can be collected and used by others without your consent. In particular, while individual data packets are often encrypted, the names of the sender and recipient are not. A third party may therefore be able to trace an existing bank account or relationship or one that is subsequently created. Even if both the sender and recipient are located in the same country data may also be transmitted via such networks to other countries regularly and without controls, including to countries that do not afford the same level of data protection as your country of domicile.

Your data may be lost during transmission or may be accessed by unauthorized parties. We do not accept any liability for direct or indirect losses as regards the security of your personal information or data during its transfer via Internet. Please use other means of communication if you think this is necessary or prudent for security reasons.

Additional Information

This Privacy Policy is part of the Terms of Use of our Platform and any use of the UNOWRIDE Services is governed by those Terms of Use. Questions regarding this Privacy Policy or the practices of our Platform should be directed to UNOWRIDE by emailing such questions to [email protected].

Changes to Our Privacy Policy: This document is a living Privacy Policy. That means that changes will be made to it over time. We will notify you via the UNOWRIDE Platform, email, or other forms of communication if any material changes or additions are made. We emphasize the importance of staying up-to-date with this Privacy Policy to better understand the on goings of our privacy practices. Any usage by you of the UNOWRIDE Platform entails an automatic agreement to this Privacy Policy along with any additions or alterations that are made to it.

Contact Information: Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions, concerns, or comments regarding this Privacy Policy, your information, our use and/sharing of any information, and/or your decision to consent to this usage via our Help Center.


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